Common Problems With Web Pages

Broken Images

There are three common cause for this:

1. Problem - browser has copy of old page

Solution - Refresh/Reload

By doing this you will definitely have the latest version of the page.
If the image is still broken - go to the next step. (make sure you reload after each change)

2. Problem - wrong copy of webpage on web

How to tell: Right click on the broken image and determine if the webpage is 'calling' the image you want to be showing. If not, then the wrong copy of the webpage (html file) is on the web.

Solution - Use your FTP program to resend the webpage (your_page.htm) up to the web space.

3. Problem - image is not in the web space

How to tell: If the above problems are not present or are solved - then this is the problem

Solution - resend the copy of the picture to the web (your_image.jpg)


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